From Now to Eternity
Time 4–5 p.m.
Stage Open Book Stage (2nd Floor, part of Street Fest access)
Featuring Mark Conway—rivers of the driftless region | Ed Bok Lee—Mitochondrial Night
Moderator Elizabeth Tannen
Genre Multigenre
Local author Mark Conway’s latest collection of imagistic poetry (rivers of the driftless region) delves into the associations of eternity—or the ever-present now, from his explorations of a lesser-known territory in Minnesota. Surging outward from the eternal present, Ed Bok Lee’s newest collection reaches through history and considers the human existence down to its most atomic level. Lee’s third book of poetry is an imagistic exploration of familial and national lineage, imbuing intimate moments with traces to historical legacies of global and cosmic scale. This discussion on eternity, history, and spiritual growth will expand our conscious boundaries and challenge us to ask how the past exists in the present.